Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Ever seen the movie Ricki tikki tavi? It's a cartoon circa the early 80's. Poor animation but super cute storyline about a little mongoose who kills a cobra, oh jeez! There. I went and ruined the movie for ya'll. (LOL) Anywho, the mongoose make such a noise "ick ick" and hops around jumping on all fours at one time when encounter the snakes. Imagine me doing the same thing at the office (internally of course) all day long today.

I just can't, don't, won't focus today. Every request is just making me shutter in horror. I do not want to look up any part numbers, pricing costs, sales figures or inventory turns. I have no desire to order cupcakes or office supplies. FedEx, UPS, DHL are best off my radar.

What I would enjoy doing is sleeping, reading, sunbathing (which with the weather we're having today may be possible in JANUARY!) or hiking. I would rather be washing my car than sitting here at my desk at the moment.

ICK! This blog's only taken 10 minutes of the day up, ICK! ICK!

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