Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My recent YELP addiction

I have recently decided, thanks to the encouragement of my spouse, to start Yelping more frequently. It is actually quite therapeutic, similar to blogging in that you definitely get to speak what is on your mind but different in that you can directly insult the person/company your writing about. I have found that most people on yelp think its a way to creatively demoralize a business which, if done right, can make one appear intelligent for doing so. However, I wish to use it for an alternative purpose (though, no, I am not above ripping a place a new pie hole if it needs it) which is to actually write thoughtful reviews. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean :) http://johnpruitt.yelp.com , Friend up if you want.