Thursday, January 29, 2009

WooHoo! It's Cottage-Time

So I did it, kind of. I found a cute, affordable cottage in a nearby city for my hubby and me. It does allow dogs and cats, but is quite small and a little odd. However, I do have a YARD and ample room for a vegetable garden, so I can make it work. Unfortunately I had to have a huge breakdown prior to writing the deposit check. When I breakdown, by the way, I really breakdown. The world turns black, I shiver uncontrollably, I can barely breath and I cry. Of course this only usually happens because of one mom.

I should skip back a few chapters of my life to make this all a little more clear for those out there who have not had the pleasure of meeting my mom. The word STRESS takes on a whole new meaning when one's life involves the overly involved mama in my world. (For all intents and purposes of this blog for now and evermore, let's call her Mama.) Well Mama and I have a sorted past. I in fact disowned my mother for about 2 years of my life following a traumatic incident and have spent the past 5 or 6 attempting to be friends on some level with her. We are, fore the most part, friendly, as long as I do as she says. Have you seen the commercial for the TV show "Whatever Martha!"? Martha Stewart's daughter says something to the effect of "My mom wants whatever is best for me as long as it fits with what she wants." Mama is also afflicted with this problem. Mama loves me...after all I'm her pride and joy, her bragging rights, her one and only daughter. The problem is, if I don't agree with her...all the lovely stuff about me being her little girl changes into me being a demonic unloving hell spawn. No really, I am not kidding.

So, the breakdown...I took my mom to see the cottage and "get her perspective," bad idea. Within 10 minutes of being inside the cottage and in front of my would be landlord she had commented on everything she saw as "wrong" with the home and had taken my husband outside to convince him of her ways. (Hubby isn't a puppet thank goodness!) Within the process of her offending everyone in the room at least twice, I realized I actually really liked the home. So here's the crash: Mama & Hubby have me in the bedroom and say "Well what the hell are ya going to do?" Insert me crumbling here. There I went on the floor. Embarrassed and over-whelmed and HIGHLY confused. Hubby, this is why I married him, comes over and picks me up and tells me its okay...shields me from Mama, and says go ahead write the check, you like this place and I'll be happy here too.

So I write the check, after wiping my eyes so my new landlord doesn't think I'm a freak of nature and can't make a damn decision and then we head off to KFC. Mama goes for sushi with her significant other and the dog and for the first time ever says..."hey Lis, sorry I made you cry!" (AND you thought this was a negative story.) So although I fell like a complete moron still for crying at least I received an apology. Mama finally accepted the fact that she's a little too harsh and makes me breakdown, she called two times that night & yesterday again to make sure I was okay. If all works out well...maybe that'll be the last breakdown I have.

OH...n wish me luck on the move.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

YOU went to KFC??

(And no, that's not the only thing I got out of this post, it's just the other parts I had already heard.)